Hi All,
I have been working on hexies this week. I have had a busy weekend here. My younger Sister lives out of Narromine. My Mum and Niece went to visit my Sister over the weekend and invited me over to see them. So the last few days I have spent with family.
The week before that Brett, his older Brother Ross and I went back to Brewarrina to our property. Brett and Ross were loading up Ross’s truck with gear out of the sheds. Our neighbour Jon said to Brett that we could borrow his truck so we did. That was loaded up with gear too, last Thursday, Brett, Brandon and I unloaded Jon’s truck and Brett went went back to Jon’s place on Saturday to drop the truck back to Jon and drove the Hilux back here yesterday.
We have a friend who is going to visit today and is going to stay overnight. So I will now post pics of the hexies that I have done, still in the process of putting them together as I am late on my swaps.