Sue's Patchwork and Quilts.
F.NS.I 19th Feb 2021
FNWF 5th Feb 2021
Hi All,
On Thursday we had 25 mls of beautiful rain. I am late again typing this up. On Friday I worked on a swap Hexie. I will not show any pics here of the hexie until it has been sent. On Saturday we had 16 mls of rain, which was great to have. I have enrolled in a TAFE Course, Certificate 3 in Business Administration. I received an emailed saying I had bee accecpted into the course which is all online. I have also enrolled in a Fashion Design Course.
I did some sashiko today. Not much done but at least I did some. Here are some pics.
I hope you all had a good weekend. I hope to get to do more sewing done soon.
From Sue C.
FNWF 15th Jan 2021
Hi All,
I have been working on a swap hexie for this week. Will not show it as it still needs to be sent and received. I also have been working on hexies that I received a few years back from an Advent Swap that I was in with Our Craft Group with JJ. I have finally finished basting all the hexies, but have not sewn those together as yet. Here they all are, not sure what order they all will be in I will swap them around and see what looks best and sew them into hexies. then work out what they will go with. I have something they may go with. I will wait and see.
For a few months now, there has been a young Male Black and Tan Kelpie hanging around. He has no collar on him. Brett and I walked up the road with him. We came across a few people. One lady who we have met before said his owner may be around the corner and said someone had given him the name of Buddy. He is a very friendly and gentle pup and is a great looking and very well behaved dog. Has been well trained and well looked after. He has come to visit which has been great. I added a post to the area we are in on Facebook, but no owner has come forward as yet.
Photos of the pup. He would come and love a good pat, then would sit down and be happy with that.
Since I have been typing this out the dogs in the Street have been going off. I hope all is good outside. Cannot see much as it is dark here. I hope you all have a great week. The Summer School Holidays are nearly over only another few weeks to go and some of the Students will be back at School. Some Students will start back in February this year. Brandon our Son finishes his final year of School which is Year 12. The Final Year of School. He turns 18 in 5 weeks and a few days. It has gone very fast. He finishes with his Higher School Certificate (HSC), around October this year.
FNWF 8th January 2021
Hi All,
Above are the hexies that I have finished.
Some plants that have grown in our front yard. I was told that the white ones are Agapanthus and looked up the pink one which is a Belladonna Lily also know as a naked lady lily.
FNWF 8th January 2021
Hi All,
Just an update, I have been working on my monthly Hexie Swaps. I am still behind in my swaps. I hope to catch up soon. I will post some pics soon hopefully. Mum asked me if I wanted a laptop that she had been using, as she did not want it anymore. Of course I said Yes Please. Makes it a lot easier typing out these blog posts. Last month I was in an Advent swap so will take some photos of the gifts I was sent.
I will post some pics of some flowers that have cropped up here. I saw that there is another Rose bush out the front where the trees are. We bought some Corriander, Celery and Basil at Coles and Brett planted those out the front. We bought Basil, Mint and Parsley last year and they went into a large pot and are growing well which is great.
Still lots of unpacking here to do, but at least we can take our time with it now which is great. The house is easy to keep clean which is great too. We have tiles in the Kitchen, Dining, Laundry and our 2 Bathrooms and like a wood floor in the bedrooms. Easy to sweep and mop. I applied for a job at Inland Petroleum last week and was unsuccessful as there were 2 other applicants that had experience. I have applied for 2 other jobs so will see how I go.
FNWF 2nd October 2020
Hi All,
I have been working on hexies this week. I have had a busy weekend here. My younger Sister lives out of Narromine. My Mum and Niece went to visit my Sister over the weekend and invited me over to see them. So the last few days I have spent with family.
The week before that Brett, his older Brother Ross and I went back to Brewarrina to our property. Brett and Ross were loading up Ross’s truck with gear out of the sheds. Our neighbour Jon said to Brett that we could borrow his truck so we did. That was loaded up with gear too, last Thursday, Brett, Brandon and I unloaded Jon’s truck and Brett went went back to Jon’s place on Saturday to drop the truck back to Jon and drove the Hilux back here yesterday.
We have a friend who is going to visit today and is going to stay overnight. So I will now post pics of the hexies that I have done, still in the process of putting them together as I am late on my swaps.
FNWF 7th August 2020 FNWF
Hi all,
I see the my blog has been updated, I have not done an update. I was typing not long ago and lost what I had typed, not sure why. On Friday morning we woke up early and it was raining. All up we had 12mls which was great to hear and see the rain. I sat down On Friday afternoon and got out my Crane Sashiko and stitched along the bottom part.
F.NS.I 19th Feb 2021
Hi All, Yesterday I started sewing these 4 hexies together. I have another 2 petals to sew on the last one. then need to sew in b...
Hi All, It has been a while since I have typed up what I have been up to. I joined a Facebook group called Patchwork Of The Cros...
Hi all, It has been a while since I have posted here. The year is going fast. I have been working on some blocks. The order of t...
Hi All, I have been working on hexies this week. I have had a busy weekend here. My younger Sister lives out of Narromine. My ...